A bold vision for the future of tech

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Product Updates

We keep our updates here to keep you informed. Please feel free to reach out to us at product@folloit.com for comments or new features
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June 2023 - Product Updates (Part 2)

Discover the latest updates in project settings that provide enhanced flexibility for managing construction projects. Explore the new features, including auto-approve deliveries, default calendar colors, configurable calendar cards, acceptable delivery windows, and booking settings. Streamline your field management with ease!

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June 2023 - Product Updates

Optimize field team ops with our latest updates: auto-approve deliveries, customizable reports, recurring event editing, and more!

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Our biggest release of 2023 - Build Custom Reports, Export and Distribute to your team!

Follo's Reports feature is their biggest release of 2023, revolutionizing how project teams collaborate and communicate. It simplifies the creation and distribution of delivery, crane picks, and concrete reports, while visualizing project progress with heatmaps and weekly calendar reports. Try it today to free up more time for critical tasks and stay on track to achieve your project goals.

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Q2 (July) Product Updates

Our platform just got even better! We have been busy adding functionalities and improvements to the platform, and we're very excited to share the third update of 2022 with you.

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March Product Updates

Our platform just got even better! We have been busy adding functionalities and improvements to the platform, and we're very excited to share the second update of 2022 with you.

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Project Calendar Settings, Crane Picks Improvement and more!

We have added an all-new calendar settings module which will allow you to add major project events to the calendars. We have also made a ton of feature improvements across the platform to enhance the delivery and crane pick experience.

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